
There is no city in the world where it is harder to be born without a gil to your name than Ul'dah. Maelia was forced to learn this the hard way.Dreams were never something that came easily to the young daughter of a destitute drunkard. By the time she reached her teenaged years, Maelia had spent half of her life working and she had already surpassed her father in hours of hard labor. The man had refused to take the two out of the city no matter how expensive it was to stay, certain that their fortune was waiting for him within the Platinum Mirage. Until his last breath, his daughter was scrounging each and every gil that she could come across only for him to turn the money into booze and gambling losses.Maelia's entire life had been defined by her futile attempt at keeping her only family alive and when her father passed, Maelia had nothing.She was ushered out of the city quickly. There was a single kind soul who had seen her plight as her father's death had grown closer: a chocobokeep stationed at the city gates. He'd grown familiar with her routine and he knew what became of girls like her left alone in the city. Maelia left Ul'dah with only the clothes on her back and they accounted for everything she owned. Her new life had her tending to the stables in service of the chocobokeeps and when the grief had passed, she began to wonder if happiness might finally take its place.Instead, the emptiness left behind made room for a luxury she could never afford: dreams. Four hard years tending to the birds gave her mind the space it needed to roam and now she's ready to return to the city, filled with kindling and waiting for a match to light it.

General Information

Age: 20 years old
Height: 4'10"
Patron God: Nald'thal
School of Magic: Thaumaturgy (beginner)
Alignment: Delusional Good
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Oblivious
Theme: Emperor's New Clothes - Jann


- For most of her young life, Maelia was a frequently seen face on the streets of Ul'dah. Those of a more charitable nature may have encountered her as a young girl as she was often hungry and dirty. Following her four year absence from the city, though, more recent sightings seem to indicate that her circumstances have improved.- Maelia is incapable of turning down a request for assistance to the point of fault. Whether you're looking for an easy target or genuinely need someone to lend a helping hand, she is perfectly suited for both.- Those gifted with aethersight might be able to determine that Maelia has a significant aptitude for aether channeling and manipulation. However, it is equally clear that she has never received proper instruction. She has been seen recently lingering outside of the Arrzaneth Ossuary, pacing nervously for some time before quickly disappearing.- It has been reported that a group of bandits and hunters active in Thanalan have been seen with a woman matching Maelia's description amongst their company. It is unclear if there is a connection, though it seems unlikely given her nature.- Maelia is actively in search of a teacher/mentor in the art of thaumaturgy. It is entirely possible that someone familiar with Ul'dah or who has practiced for a significant amount of time might recognize her family name, Damir.

These hooks are currently a work in progress. If there is anything that you are interested in exploring, I am more than happy to discuss possibilities!

The Story So Far...

Every journey must begin somewhere...

About The Player

Hello and thank you so much for taking the time to check out this carrd!Though Maelia is a newer character of mine, I have been involved in FFXIV RP since 2.0 as well as enjoying many other types of roleplaying. I am someone who enjoys a wide range of themes - anything from lighthearted fluff and comedy all the way to intense depravity. I am extremely openminded when it comes to roleplaying content and plot so if there is ever anything that you're curious about, please do not hesitate to ask!I tend to default to paragraph style RP but I am happy to match my partner's post length. I always RP in third person. If you would like to start a scene with me, please send an OOC message first. Generally speaking, I will not respond to random IC tells in an RP hub.While I do enjoy getting to know my RP partners as friends, any feelings developed between characters (both positive and negative) are strictly in character without exception. I do not have any interest in any amount of IC/OOC bleed.I am 21+ and I require any potential RP partners to be over 21 as well.

Content beyond this point is considered NSFW and intended exclusively for those over the age of 18.

The red ribbon is a pact. It is a symbol of promises made and kept. To present a red ribbon to Maelia is to initiate an exchange. No request will be refused. No price is too high.But is the red ribbon truly all that she receives? Maelia herself may not even know.

More information regarding NSFW preferences and themes can be found here.